Our AGM notice
In adherence to the Memorandums and Articles of the Southampton Solent Students’ Union, I hereby give notice that the Trustees of the Union have called the Annual General Meeting. Under company law, the trustees ask members to consider a special resolution to formally adopt the new Articles of Association following the five-yearly review.
AGM Date, Time & Location
The AGM will take place in The Spark Atrium on Wednesday 29th March from 3pm to 6pm, alongside our Spring Fete. If the AGM does not reach quorum (50 students) it will be rescheduled to 3pm the following week (5th April) in the same location. To book onto the event, click here.
AGM Business
Ratification of the AGM minutes from 2022;
Trustee report of Students’ Union Activity since the last AGM;
Review of the Students’ Union accounts for 2022-2023;
Appointment of the Students’ Union’s Auditors;
Review of the Students’ Union’s Education Act Code of Practice;
Review of the Students’ Union external affiliations;
Questions to Trustees;
Voting on any submitted Student Motions.
Details of who is eligible to participate
All Full Members (as per Bye Law 1.1.1) of Solent Students’ Union are eligible to participate in the AGM.
Associate Members (as per Bye Law 1.1.2), Reciprocal Members (as per Bye Law 1.1.3) and students who have opted out of Students’ Union membership cannot participate in any democratic processes of the Students’ Union.
Details of Proxy Voting
In adherence to article 29.1 of the Solent Students’ Union Memorandum and Articles of Association, Full Members are eligible to vote by proxy. Proxy voters will only be valid if notice is submitted in writing to sophiia.defaia@solent.ac.uk by 5pm on Wednesday 22nd March from a valid Solent University email address. Notice must include:
- Name and address of the member appointing a proxy.
- Signature of the member appointing a proxy.
- Name of person acting as proxy.
The authenticity of proxy voters will be determined in a manner that the Trustees see fit.
To book onto the event, click here.
Winston Alla
SU President 2022-23

Enquiries about the AGM should be directed to: Sophiia.Defaia@solent.ac.uk