We're working together to give every student and staff member on Solent campus the chance to hear and respond to the Good New of Jesus Christ! Spreading Faith, Hope and Love to all we meet :)
Here at Solent Christian Union, we're hoping to give every student on Solent campus, the opportunity to hear and respond to the life changing good news of Jesus Christ!
The truth of Jesus and the bible has changed all of our lives for the better, and it can change yours too!
5:30pm, On top of The Pod
Start the week of right with a time of prayer and devotion!
we'll look at the verse of the day and pray into how it can change our lives for the better.
Whether you'd call yourself a Christ follower or not, come along and see how God moves in the lives of those who do believe :)
When the top of The Pod is occupiued, we'll instead be in The Workshop (JM109)
Check out out Instagram @solentcu for more infomation on our main meeting, as well as a link to join our Whatsapp Group.
Alternatively, check out the links at the bottom of this page :)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/solentcu/
Whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DdZJwzv7tygBmI4Yhn48bT