Events in January

Forthcoming Events

Wed 8th January

Society Forum
10am - 11:30am
Jane Austen LT, Southampton Solent University
A chance for you to tell the SU what you are doing, what you want us to do, and what you need help with. Come and chat to your VP Communities and Wellbeing Syed.

Mon 20th January

Course Rep Induction Training - Slot 1
2pm - 3pm
Course Rep Induction Training - Monday 20/01/25 timeslot

Wed 22nd January

Elections: Manifesto Workshop
5pm - 6pm
JM202, Southampton Solent University

Thu 23rd January

Course Rep Induction Training - Slot 2
1pm - 2pm
Course Rep Induction Training - 23/01/25 timeslot

Fri 24th January

10am - 3:30pm
Petlake Alpaca farm, New Forest
New Forest Alpaca Farm trip with Solent SU

Wed 29th January

Course Rep Induction Training - Slot 3
1pm - 2pm
Course Rep Induction Training - 29/01/25 timeslot
Elections: Branding and Artwork Workshop
5pm - 6pm
JM202, Southampton Solent University

Thu 30th January

SU President International Series - BELLE anime screening
6pm - 8:15pm
Jane Austen Lecture Theatre,
BELLE (2021) anime screening
Solent Stage presents Footloose
30th January 6:30pm - 31st January 9pm
Footloose production by Solent Stage at JM315

Thu 6th February

Elections: Getting Campaign Ready Workshop
5pm - 6pm
JM202, Southampton Solent University
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