Black Lives Matter
Welcome to the Black Lives Matter section of the Solent Students’ Union website.
Black Lives Matter is a decentralised political and social movement whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. It started in the United States but has since spread across the world.
Unfortunately, it is clear that racism still very much exists in society, and we must fight it whatever form it takes. Solent Students’ Union stands in solidarity with the Black community, in the UK and across the world, as well as the wider BAME community.
This section of our website aims to educate everyone about the cultural backgrounds and achievements of Black people, and the struggles they have faced and continue to face today, providing resources, articles, and charities and foundations to support, among other things.
Only by coming together can we bring about the kind of change we want to see in society.
What can you do to help?
1. Support charies that have been set up to support the Black community
A number of charities have been created to help support the Black community within the UK.
2. Join the protests
Throughout history, public protests have been crucial to the visibility and success of civil rights campaigns. Everyone has the right to protest, so if you can join one, do it! If you are considering joining a protest, we recommend you do this as safely as possible.
3. Exercise your vote
Wherever you are, you can support political movements and parties that are campaigning against racism. You can find out your local MP’s record on racial issues using the TheyWorkForYou website. It also offers an easy, free way to contact your MP so you can ask them to take action.
4. Write to your MP
Following the point above, whether or not you voted for your MP, they represent you and what matters to you until they are no longer your MP. Writing to them is a powerful way of getting messages to them about what is important to their constituents. Click here for some helpful tips, advice, and templates on how to do this.
5. Show solidarity on social media
Social media can be an effective way for people all over the world to show support and raise their friends’ and followers’ awareness of the anti-racist movement, but don't fall into the practice of performative activism.
6. Educate yourself
If you’re not Black, one of the most important things you can do is to learn about Black history. Research through books, TED talks, podcasts, documentaries - there are so many resources out there. As well as speaking out, take some time to listen and absorb the stories and messages coming from the Black community.
(Just one thing: unless they offer, don’t ask your Black friends or people you follow on social media to spend their time helping you learn about this stuff. There are plenty of resources out there - Google is your friend.)
7. Support Black creators and business owners
If you want to help people at an individual level, the best way to start is by supporting Black people’s creative and business endeavours, buy their books, music or films; donate to their Patreon pages; amplify their voices by sharing or retweeting; and patronise their shops, restaurants, cafés or bars.